Thursday, March 27, 2014

Happy Moments Day 8, 9, 10

Oh my, I'm neglecting this blog again.

Was quite busy at work and on my school assignments. Hence, explains the lack of postings on this blog.

Since I've started on this Happy Moments x 100 days challenge, I really want to try to keep the posting on daily basis till the end of it. Seems like I need to work harder on this.

Well, I couldn't really remember what are the happy or joyous moments in the past few days. 

How am I suppose to be happy when under tremendous amount of stress?!

Not necessarily. Happiness can be derived from every single little things around us. Such as a delicious meal, getting your work done. 

So let me summarize on the happy moments in this past few days:

  1. waking up on time and not late for work. I'm a severe late-comer. It is not easy for me to be on time, let alone being early. =D
  2. mini snack treats in office. Little treats that will ease the stress and tensions, and encourage some bonding sessions as well.
  3. Yakult on a daily basis! This may sounds a little silly, but yakult is my favorite drink.  
  4. messages from friends. Be it a simple greeting or some silly jokes, they never fail to brighten my days. 

Alright, time to get some sleep. 

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